How to SORT a System.Collections.Generic.List


I have to Sort a List of Class I have 3 Properties in my Class (EX ID,Name,Age) In my List i have 10 objects of <Class> added I need to sort By Id or By Name or by Age like DataView it possible ? Please enligten me

Thanx, How to SORT a System.Collections.Generic.List

I have to Sort a List of Class I have 3 Properties in my Class (EX ID,Name,Age) In my List i have 10 objects of <Class> added I need to sort By Id or By Name or by Age like DataView it possible ? Please enligten me


There is no flexible way to sort a List by any property on it's containing type, but you can easily create custom sorting logic, you just need to write different code for each sorting scenario. Here is a quick and dirty example:

List<Class> classList = new List<Class>();

classList.Add(new Class(24, "Jon", 12)); classList.Add(new Class(16, "Mike", 37)); classList.Add(new Class(48, "Peter", 31));

// Sort by ID. classList.Sort(delegate(Class class1, Class class2) { return (Comparer<int>.Default.Compare(class1.ID, class2.ID)); });

// Sort by name. classList.Sort(delegate(Class class1, Class class2) { return (Comparer<string>.Default.Compare(class1.Name, class2.Name)); });

// Sort by age. classList.Sort(delegate(Class class1, Class class2) { return (Comparer<int>.Default.Compare(class1.Age, class2.Age)); });