Important SD Card Technical Data


When we buy a SD card or Micro SD card, we should know its important technical data such as capability, speed and physical size. People have common misunderstanding about SD card which is only focusing on the card capability and physical size just because we can see them easily.

We can see SD card physical size (Micro or Non-macro) for sure; we can also the card capability such as 16GB, 32GB, 64GB, 128GB etc. since clear texts are marked on the card. But do you know the reading speed and writing speed of a SD card ?

We have a post “SD vs SDHC vs SDXC” previously, but we only discussed what meant SD, SDHC, SDXC which are about card capability types. Today we are going to provide all the important CD card technical data.

Actually we can also recognize SD card speed by marked text or signs since the related information are on the card with Capability text together. But the different point is that speed performance information does not be indicated using exact number text on the card.

There are two kinds of speed classes regarding SD bug generation: Speed Class and UHS Speed Class. UHS is Ultra High Speed which is a newer speed class compared to Speed Class.

** Recommended SSD card deals:**

There are lots of good SD / Macro SD card deals on Amazon website. Their prices are very competitive:

Select this link US SSD Deals if you are living in US, or select this link Canada SSD Deals if you are in Canada.

The following is the collection of important data of SD serious cards:

Main Types of SD Cards

You can see the text “Mini”, “Micro” on the card, no matter the card is SD or SDHC or SDXC.

**Full SD** **Mini SD** **Micro SD**
image image image
## SD Card Capability Levels:
**SD** **SDHC** **SDXC**
128MB ~ 2GB 4GB ~ 32GB 64GB ~ 2TB
## SD Card Bus Speed:
**Bus Mark** **Bus Speed** **Version** **Bus Mode**
-- 12.5 MB/s 1.01 Normal Speed
-- 25 MB/s 2 High Speed
image 50 ~ 104 MB/s 3.01 UHS-1
image 156 ~ 312 MB/s 4 UHS-II
## SD Card Writing Speed The writing speeds are average writing speed based on different speed class.
**Speed Class** **Mini Writing Speed** **Bus Mode**
image 2 MB/s Normal Speed
image 4 MB/s Normal Speed
image 6 MB/s Normal Speed
image 10 MB/s High Speed
image 10 MB/s UHS-I
image 30 MB/s UHS-II