Clear Chrome Browser History From Tab page


By default Chrome browser saves your visit history, when you open a new tab page in Chrome browser, you will see the screen includes some icons of websites which you most visited. In some cases, this is not good, for example, you are using a public computer, or you do not want to other people to know your visiting history.

You should delete them from Chrome browser’s new tab page. Here we provides two method which you can delete them.

clrchrome00 Clear them is very simple, but you have different ways: **1: Clear history:** Go to wrench icon on the browser top right toolbar. Select Options, Click “Clear browsing data…” under “Under the Hood” menu item: You can delete the history by choose different options; clrchrome01 **** **2: A more convenient way:** Just use your mouse hand hover over a website icon which you want to delete, and click the x that appears in the top right corner of the frame. However, this way only delete one visit site history data each time. clrchrome02