Check Crime, Death or Other Events Before You Buy a House


Most of house buyers want to buy a house which comes with clear history such as no crime history in the house. But, how we know whether there were terrible events occurred in selling house ?

Recently we got a related message from local News, there are some websites in local area provide helpful information.



In Great Toronto Area provides house events historic information, also, the website allows users share their own information and personal experience about any house which they met. so that people can get some important information which they normally could not get from other sources such as house searching services or from Google searching engine.

What is Housecreep?

Housecreep is a website where people can find out and contribute information about homes from all over the world. A "place page" for a given address can contain any number of known events, personal accounts, noted residents and photographs.

Known events are any noted events that are part of a place's history, which can be verified through external sources. Hearsay, gossip or unmitigated claims are NOT known events. If you have a story or personal experience about a home that you want to share, you can, instead, post a personal account.

You can input any address or place information to try searching.

image There are other websites provide similar information, or former house owners claimed insurance due to fires, water pipe troubles: 2: Commercial. Note: This website seems does not provide free information because we did not see. maybe user has to login and buy information from them ? not sure. _Instant delivery of nation-wide data, just a click away,after getting homeowner consent, in an easy-to-read detailed electronic report: Insurance Claims Grow-Op & Meth Lab Records Claims Analysis for a Neighbourhood Local School Rankings Neighbourhood Amenities Local Political Representatives & Contact details_ 3: Commercial. It is another commercial house historic information provider. Since it is also commercial site, so please check it yourself, we do not provide more information about it here. OK, there should be more similar websites in local area, but most of them are commercial business sites, so we will try to find more free and great housing historic and events information websites.